The Copyright Act, 1957 and the Copyright Rules, 2013 oversees the Copyright Registration process in India. Any unique imaginative work, cinematographic film, music piece, scholarly/emotional work, sound recording or programming can be protected given that the work is a tangible expression of an idea. The charge should go with the application for enlistment by the Copyright Office. Also, the application should contain the essential signature and power(s) of the lawyer.

Any complaints should be recorded inside 30 days of the finish of the holding up period, after filing. If there are no objections, the application will be forwarded to an examiner. If the examiner does not find any errors in the application, the registration process will be completed.

Document for Copyright registration

  • Name, address, and nationality of the candidate- Id Proof
  • NOC from the publisher if the publisher and the applicant are two different individuals
  • Search Certificate from Trademark office if any
  • NOC from a person whose photograph appears on the work
  • Power of attorney
  • 2 Copies of the work (Book / Source code in CD (if Website copyright))
  • KYC of author

Legal Rights of Copyright Owner

  • The owner may claim authorship for published work under the right of paternity.
  • The owner may reproduce the work in any tangible form & storing it in any medium by electronic means.
  • The owner may decide where to publish and where not under the right of publication.
  • The owner may perform in public, or communicate it to the public or he may make any translation or adaptation of the work.
  • The owner may take necessary preventive actions in case of image or reputation loss.
  • The owner may sell or transfer.


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